Sunday, October 19, 2008

Web Tool: DropBox

Just found a free web space sharing tool: DropBox, and signed up with 2 GB space on this site. The web space is a virtual space you can share your local files there so you can see the same files on another computer.

In order to share our files, you need to download a program from the site. I downloaded the program for mac. After I install the program, the DropBox is visible on my right top menu bar. I locate my local fodler ~/DropBox as the place. Any file I put in will be synced to DropBox on my account there as well. I've created a folder for my contract work so I'll put some files there when I go to work on Monday.

There is on Public folder on DropBox in my account. I can put any files there so they are shared to public. One nice thing for this tool is that you can pub svg (Scalable Vector Graphics) file there. SVG is a xml file for defining graphics and it is a World Wild Web Consortium (W3c) recommendation. The only problem is that you cannot directly place xml section in html web page. It has to be placed in the same way as other graphics linked by a reference. Therefore I cannot directly place the graphics in my Blogger. With DropBox public shared space available, I can place my svg files there so I can reference to it by using embed tag.

Here is one svg file I saved in my public space and make a short name to it:

Or click Feather Pan.

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